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Script update!

Hello Chroniclers! Recently we have made some excellent progress in regards to our game's story. In fact chapter 1 is 90% complete! Go writing staff!

Once finished we will start sharing snipits of the world and the characters that reside within it. But what goes into a script? No not like a code, I mean the dialouge, the scenes, and coregraphy. It's all weaved together to form the driving force behind the whole game.

Writing dialouge is a tricky thing. Not only must you manage the amount of conversations so its not to long, to short, or reveals to much but also how the character will say it.

Do they have an accent? Do they speak in two different languages at the same time saying some words in one langauage and the rest in another? Do they not speak at all?

Our main character Eren for example has a southernism in his voice and how he pronunces words. He will use words like ya'll instead of you all for instance. Scene direction is also very important to the script. No its not just the conversations but the events that occur around or because of them. Where does Eren sit when talking to the magic tree? What does the area around the tree look like? These and many more are important to empowering the script.

One of the biggest challenges I personally had to face though, was making them vulnerable. These characters are like my children and I want them to succeed but for it to be a good story they have to fail, even if its only once.

Each character needs both positive and negative traits. Aspects that transform them from an archetype to a tried and true three-dimensial character. Eren is both afraid of the dark (although wont admit it) and is wholy ignorant to life outside his small frontier town which includes the city life and foriegn cultures too.

It's important to create a cast of characters that are as real as possible despite the setting your'e story takes place in.

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