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Were Still Here!

Hello Chroniclers!

As you may have noticed there has been a significant gap in updates and that is in part due to some internal troubles, some avoidable and others not so much. It should be said that despite this though we are all still hard at work developing CoU!

So 2018 was a challenge but a rewarding one as the team continued to grow and create a more refined product as a result. We identified problems that were slowing us down from our initial goals and found effective solutions, an example for that would be “event mapping”

{picture:The top is our custom map in progress while the bottom is a quickly completed default map}

Event mapping is when we create more basic maps using default assets, but with the same pathing as our more detailed maps. This allows us to have a larger amount of maps created and ready for eventing as the more detailed maps obviously take much longer to complete. Through event mapping we were able to cut development time for our demo by at least half!

We are all working incredibly hard to push for a an internal demo by the end of the month. This as its name suggests will be played by our staff only but will be viewable by you the fans. We encourage you to leave your thoughts on the project thus far either via our website’s contact page or via social media outlets. Thank you!

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