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Rising Up

Greetings Chroniclers!

Have you ever been following a game through development and suddenly they go dark for months at a time? It’s pretty annoying isn’t it? Some of you may even be feeling that about CoU! And I don’t blame you, our last update was in January...and now its October.

Trust me when I say that wasn’t our intention but as many of you know things happen and life dictated that we “go dark” for a while. This is why:

We had to change programming leads which took about a month or so for the new lead to familiarize themselves with the new position and said content.

A computer error had caused us to lose all our custom music for the game but thankfully we were able to salvage it by sheer chance.

Finally, we had to say goodbye to our wonderful level designer, Sid. He had been presented with an exciting new opportunity to be mentored by an industry vet, combine that with a recent promotion at his day job and you can imagine how constrained one’s time can be!

With all that being said however we are back on track and will be presenting a demonstration of the early sections of chapter one by December 30th. Please note that it is still a work in progress but that it will contain some of the custom art, sound/music, and systems the team has been working hard on.

Lastly check out some of our new art below and thank you once again for your support!

This pantry gives off a look that better represents that idea that it belongs to not only a home, but a small business too.

The first floor of Eren's house. His mother single handily owns and operates her own store, traditionally it would be seen as an "item shop" but as you know CoU doesn't have traditional stores, instead it features different "marketplaces" and these offer a variety of both crafting materials and some crafted items.

This is Eren's room. We wanted to present a room that spoke to the kind of character our main protagonist is. His keeps a large collection of books on heroes both new and old, bestiaries, and swordsmanship. The world map on his wall is one of his most prized possessions.

Here is chapter one's main antagonist, Rodrick. While we do not wish to reveal to much until he makes his first appearance in game, just know that there is much more to him then meets the eye. He has a storied history with the founding of Uneskia and has a deep connection with one of our playable characters!

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