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Say hello to Shia!

Shia is our third main character to be introduced. While she was hinted at earlier in our meet the cast page, we can now put a face to trhe name. And were all really proud of how she came out too. Eadger did an amazing job!

Shia attends the same academy as Vance but has a much more carefree attitude as seen in how she wears her uniform. Shia is also the first elf we have shown. Elves in CoU generally have green skin which according to their history is because of their inherit connection to nature and primordial magic. Shia however is far from a tree hugger. In fact SHia was exiled from the elven capital and sent to live with her aunt in the city of Kaldal whom was also exiled. It is not explictly known what she did to earn her exile but she clearly has no intentions of returning to what she refers to as the boonies or backwater country. Shia is something of a tomboy, choosing to adrone herself in what is traditionally a man’s academy uniform. Not one to attend ballsor wear makeup this elf is more at home with the guys. When not practicing her alchemy she can usually be found roughing it up with the boys or playing pranks. Despite her outward behavior there is a sincere femminity to her, reserved for those closest to her. She never backs down from a fight and if a loved ones at stake she’ll never give up. Shia, like Vance is a wizard but specializes in Alchemy. Many of her skills are derived from the alchemy kits (equipped to either her main and/or off hand slot) that she can equip. Other skills consume items rather than SP. In combat Shia adds a whole new level of strategy and fun. We hope people will like Shia as a fun character by herself but also someone our female audience can identify with. 

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