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Weekly Update Monday June 4th! Polish and Story time!

Hello Chroniclers! Another weekly update is upon us! Everyone's been hard at work on the project whether its the script, a level, a piece of equipment or the sound of a door closing (we went through several actually) the team hasn't let slip the level of dedication to a quality product. The team struggles at times however to make sure the game has polish but also meets our July deadline and is completely playable from start to finish. Its a difficult balancing act but one I am 100% confident in my team to be able to overcome!

Now it's story time!

Our game's story has changed drastically from the beginning. Initially its always involved two brothers but there names of changed, their origins and their connection to the larger plot and those behind it have all be altered.

Eren and Vyncent whom share the same father has actually traveled back in time and without a method in returning home started a new life and actually helped give birth to the main villain of the story! This link originally allowed the brothers the ability to stop the villain's plans as the only way to stop him was genetic in nature. Now that has all been entirely scrapped. The reasoning behind this was it just didn't "fit" and felt to "out there" it unfortunately over complicated the plot and left holes that we couldn't find a method to fix. Originally the story wouldn't include any form of advanced technology but as time went on it became more and more relavent. Civilizations advance when given the chance, and so a world of elves and dragons if given that chance would eventually develop firearms and automobiles. And so it just felt natural after a point.

Today our story places Eren and Vyncent (Vance) as "nobodies". They come from a long line of adventurers yes, Eren is an accomplished swordsman and Vance is something of a prodigy when it comes to the arcane arts, but chosen heroes by the gods they are not. And this idea applies to every character and to the story itself. No matter how magical or explosive something is, we try to keep it grounded as possible.

Part of doing this is 1. Its a cool combination and 2. It helps promote the idea that anyone can achieve the unthinkable if they truly apply themselves.

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