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Eren and Vance are finished!

I can say with full confidence that Eren and Vance, are two main characters are finished as far as character art is considered. Its been a fun and challenging process to get them down visually.

The way a person dresses or how they carry themselves says a lot about who they are and so when designing both Eren and Vance we had to keep the clothing and posture in mind.

Eren's clothing was born from a sort of mixture between fantasy and colonial clothing. He carries himself with a get to it and heroic demeanor, which fits his character. By contrast Vance wears clothing from the acaemy he attends which he holds in high esteem even going so far as to wear it off campus. His hair is short and slicked back, a popular style in the city. It also gives him a "greaser" look. His posture shows he likes to take a step back and look at a situation first rather than act first. More characters are on the horizon such as Vance's best friend and fellow classmate Shia, a decades old vampire, Helena, and even a bizarre dwarven academy professor with a knack for whacky potions, his name is Usala.

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